Comedy 2019 online campaign directed for Shell through Octagon and Milkmoney.
Shot at the Berlin E-Prix and the Shell Technology centre Hamburg. So great to work with the very talented 'Future Thinkers' Edward and Kami. Our two Shell stooges Karsten and Christopher are real Shell technologists - they did an outstanding job too!
Director: Richard Mullane
Director of Photography: Simon Waldock
Production Company: Milkmoney
Creatives: Joe Stuart and Cos Georgiou at Octagon
Creative Director: Kevin Howes at Octagon
Creative Director: Josh Green at Octagon
Account Director: Moira Chew at Octagon
Account Manager: Josh Wheatley at Octagon
Planning Director: Henry Nash at Octagon
Producer: Sarai Carson at Milkmoney
Assoc. Executive Producer: Sam Farrance at Milkmoney
Production Manager: Sarah Shepherd at Milkmoney
Casting: Hannah Simons, Hannah Simons Casting
Casting Sessions Director: Remy Beasley
Wardrobe: David Hawkins
Editors: Josh Palmer & Tim Goddard
Post: Milkmoney
Grade Producer: Gus Quirk, Coffee and TV
Colourist: Katie Dymmock, Coffee and TV
Sound design: Thom Paisley, Hurricane Sound