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Standard Life: 'Sacrifice'​

BTS Dubai shoot 2016


Written and directed for Standard Life 'Master your Dreams' film series via Synergy. The films were shot across Dubai, London and Paris and launched across the four 2016 tennis Grand Slam tournaments. The poem was voiced by Robert Carlyle.

The theme of the second film of the series was 'Sacrifice'. Living Projects developed the concept of immersing Andy in old photos and stock footage of him as a younger player to allow him to open up about what it had taken to get him to where he is today. Over 1m views resulted from the social campaign. 

Director: Richard Mullane/Living Projects 

DoP: Adam Docker

Synergy Producer: Olivia Lloyd

Producer: Ces Terranova

Shoot Producer: Jack Daniel Dempsey

Editor: Richard Mullane

Sound Design: Enos Desjardins

Motion Graphics: Christopher & Andrew Knight

Online: Ces Terranova

Production Manager: Phoebe Haines


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